Source code for pydeep.base.activationfunction

""" Different kind of non linear activation functions and their derivatives.


    # Unbounded
        # Linear
            - Identity
        # Piecewise-linear
            - Rectifier
            - RestrictedRectifier (hard bounded)
            - LeakyRectifier
        # Soft-linear
            - ExponentialLinear
            - SigmoidWeightedLinear
            - SoftPlus
    # Bounded
        # Step
            - Step
        # Soft-Step
            - Sigmoid
            - SoftSign
            - HyperbolicTangent
            - SoftMax
            - K-Winner takes all
        # Symmetric, periodic
            - Radial Basis function
            - Sinus




        Jan Melchior



        Copyright (C) 2018 Jan Melchior

        This file is part of the Python library PyDeep.

        PyDeep is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
        (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as numx
from pydeep.base.numpyextension import log_sum_exp

# Unbounded

# Linear

[docs]class Identity(object): """ Identity function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the identity function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the identity function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return x
[docs] @classmethod def g(cls, y): """ Calculates the inverse identity function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the inverse identity function for y. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as y. """ return y
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the identity function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the identity function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ if numx.isscalar(x): return 1.0 else: return numx.ones(x.shape)
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the identity function value for a given input x. :param x: Inout data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the second derivative of the identity function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ if numx.isscalar(x): return 0.0 else: return numx.zeros(x.shape)
[docs] @classmethod def dg(cls, y): """ Calculates the derivative of the inverse identity function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the inverse identity function for y. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as y. """ if numx.isscalar(y): return 1.0 else: return numx.ones(y.shape)
# Piecewise-linear
[docs]class Rectifier(object): """ Rectifier activation function function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the Rectifier function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the Rectifier function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.maximum(0.0, x)
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Rectifier function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the Rectifier function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.float64(x > 0.0)
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the Rectifier function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the 2nd derivative of the Rectifier function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return 0.0
[docs]class RestrictedRectifier(Rectifier): """ Restricted Rectifier activation function function. :Info: """
[docs] def __init__(self, restriction=1.0): """ Constructor. :param restriction: Restriction value / upper limit value. :type restriction: float. """ self.restriction = restriction
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Calculates the Restricted Rectifier function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the Restricted Rectifier function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.minimum(numx.maximum(0.0, x), self.restriction)
[docs] def df(self, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Restricted Rectifier function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the derivative of the Restricted Rectifier function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.float64(x > 0.0) * numx.float64(x < self.restriction)
[docs]class LeakyRectifier(Rectifier): """ Leaky Rectifier activation function function. :Info: """
[docs] def __init__(self, negativeSlope=0.01, positiveSlope=1.0): """ Constructor. :param negativeSlope: Slope when x < 0 :type negativeSlope: scalar :param positiveSlope: Slope when x >= 0 :type positiveSlope: scalar """ self.negativeSlope = negativeSlope self.positiveSlope = positiveSlope
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Calculates the Leaky Rectifier function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the Leaky Rectifier function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return x*((x < 0)*(self.negativeSlope-self.positiveSlope) + self.positiveSlope)
[docs] def df(self, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Leaky Rectifier function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the derivative of the Leaky Rectifier function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return (x < 0)*(self.negativeSlope-self.positiveSlope) + self.positiveSlope
# Soft-linear
[docs]class ExponentialLinear(object): """ Exponential Linear activation function function. :Info: """
[docs] def __init__(self, alpha=1.0): """ Constructor. :param alpha: scaling factor :type alpha: scalar """ self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Calculates the Exponential Linear function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the Exponential Linear function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ decision = x > 0.0 return x*decision+(1.0-decision)*self.alpha*(numx.exp(x)-1.0)
[docs] def df(self, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Exponential Linear function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the Exponential Linear function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ decision = x > 0.0 return decision+(1.0-decision)*self.alpha*numx.exp(x)
[docs]class SigmoidWeightedLinear(object): """ Sigmoid weighted linear units (also named Swish) :Info: and for Swish: """
[docs] def __init__(self, beta=1.0): """ Constructor. :param beta: scaling factor :type beta: scalar """ self.beta = beta
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Calculates the Sigmoid weighted linear function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the Sigmoid weighted linear function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return x*Sigmoid.f(self.beta*x)
[docs] def df(self, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Sigmoid weighted linear function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the Sigmoid weighted linear function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ sig = Sigmoid.f(self.beta*x) return sig*(1.0+x*(1.0-sig))
[docs]class SoftPlus(object): """ Soft Plus function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the SoftPlus function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the SoftPlus function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.log(1.0 + numx.exp(x))
[docs] @classmethod def g(cls, y): """ Calculates the inverse SoftPlus function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the inverse SoftPlus function for y. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as y. """ return numx.log(numx.exp(y) - 1.0)
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the SoftPlus function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the SoftPlus function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return 1.0 / (1.0 + numx.exp(-x))
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the SoftPlus function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the 2nd derivative of the SoftPlus function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ exp_x = numx.exp(x) return exp_x / ((1.0 + exp_x) ** 2)
[docs] @classmethod def dg(cls, y): """ Calculates the derivative of the inverse SoftPlus function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the inverse SoftPlus function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as y. """ return 1.0 / (1.0 - numx.exp(-y))
# Bounded # Step
[docs]class Step(object): """ Step activation function function. """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the step function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the step function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.float64(x > 0)
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the step function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the step function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return 0.0
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the step function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the Step function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return 0.0
# Soft-step
[docs]class Sigmoid(object): """ Sigmoid function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the Sigmoid function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the Sigmoid function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return 0.5 + 0.5 * numx.tanh(0.5 * x)
[docs] @classmethod def g(cls, y): """ Calculates the inverse Sigmoid function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the inverse Sigmoid function for y. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as y. """ return 2.0 * numx.arctanh(2.0 * y - 1.0)
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Sigmoid function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the Sigmoid function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ # expx = numx.exp(-x) # return numx.exp(-x)/((1+numx.exp(-x))**2) sig = cls.f(x) return sig * (1.0 - sig)
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the Sigmoid function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the second derivative of the Sigmoid function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ sig = cls.f(x) return sig - 3 * (sig ** 2) + 2 * (sig ** 3)
[docs] @classmethod def dg(cls, y): """ Calculates the derivative of the inverse Sigmoid function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the inverse Sigmoid function for y. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as y. """ return 1.0 / (y - y ** 2)
[docs]class SoftSign(object): """ SoftSign function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the SoftSign function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the SoftSign function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return x / (1.0 + numx.abs(x))
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the SoftSign function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the SoftSign function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return 1.0 / ((1.0 + numx.abs(x)) ** 2)
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the SoftSign function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the 2nd derivative of the SoftSign function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ absx = numx.abs(x) return -(2.0 * x) / (absx * (1 + absx) ** 3)
[docs]class HyperbolicTangent(object): """ HyperbolicTangent function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the Hyperbolic Tangent function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the Hyperbolic Tangent function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.tanh(x)
[docs] @classmethod def g(cls, y): """ Calculates the inverse Hyperbolic Tangent function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: alue of the inverse Hyperbolic Tangent function for y. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return 0.5 * (numx.log(1.0 + y) - numx.log(1.0 - y))
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Hyperbolic Tangent function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the derivative of the Hyperbolic Tangent function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ tanh = cls.f(x) return 1.0 - tanh ** 2
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the Hyperbolic Tangent function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value of the second derivative of the Hyperbolic Tangent function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ tanh = cls.f(x) return -2 * tanh * (1 - (tanh ** 2))
[docs] @classmethod def dg(cls, y): """ Calculates the derivative of the inverse Hyperbolic Tangent function value for a given input y. :param y: Input data. :type y: scalar or numpy array. :return: Value the derivative of the inverse Hyperbolic Tangent function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as y. """ return numx.exp(-numx.log((1.0 - y ** 2)))
[docs]class SoftMax(object): """ Soft Max function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the function value of the SoftMax function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the SoftMax function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.exp(x - log_sum_exp(x, axis=1).reshape(x.shape[0], 1))
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the SoftMax function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the derivative of the SoftMax function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ result = x[0] * numx.eye(x.shape[1], x.shape[1]) -[0].reshape(x.shape[1], 1), x[0] .reshape(1, x.shape[1]) ).reshape(1, x.shape[1], x.shape[1]) for i in range(1, x.shape[0], 1): result = numx.vstack( (result, x[i] * numx.eye(x.shape[1], x.shape[1]) -[i].reshape(x.shape[1], 1), x[i].reshape(1, x.shape[1]) ).reshape(1, x.shape[1], x.shape[1]))) ''' WITHOUT LOOP BUT MUCH MOR MEMORY CONSUMPTION result = x.reshape((1, 100*100)) result = numx.tile(result, (100, 1)) result_t = result.T result_t = numx.array_split(result_t, 100) result_t = numx.hstack(result_t) result *= (numx.tile( numx.eye(100), (1, 100)) - result_t) result *= numx.tile(y.reshape((1, 100*100)), (100, 1)) result = numx.sum(result, axis=0) ''' return result
# Symmetric, periodic
[docs]class RadialBasis(object): """ Radial Basis function. :Info: """
[docs] def __init__(self, mean=0.0, variance=1.0): """ Constructor. :param mean: Mean of the function. :type mean: scalar or numpy array :param variance: Variance of the function. :type variance: scalar or numpy array """ self.mean = mean self.variance = variance
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Calculates the Radial Basis function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the Radial Basis function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ activation = x - self.mean return numx.exp(-(activation ** 2) / self.variance)
[docs] def df(self, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Radial Basis function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the derivative of the Radial Basis function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return (self.f(x) * 2 * (self.mean - x)) / self.variance
[docs] def ddf(self, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the Radial Basis function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the second derivative of the Radial Basis function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ activation = ((x - self.mean) ** 2) / self.variance return 2.0 / self.variance * numx.exp(-activation) * (2 * activation - 1.0)
[docs]class Sinus(object): """ Sinus function. :Info: """
[docs] @classmethod def f(cls, x): """ Calculates the function value of the Sinus function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the Sinus function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.sin(x)
[docs] @classmethod def df(cls, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the Sinus function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the derivative of the Sinus function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return numx.cos(x)
[docs] @classmethod def ddf(cls, x): """ Calculates the second derivative of the Sinus function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the second derivative of the Sinus function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return -numx.sin(x)
[docs]class KWinnerTakeAll(object): """ K Winner take all activation function. :WARNING: The derivative gets already calcluated in the forward pass. Thus, for the same data-point the order should always be forward_pass, backward_pass! """
[docs] def __init__(self, k, axis=1, activation_function=Identity()): """ Constructor. :param k: Number of active units. :type k: int :param axis: Axis to compute the maximum. :type axis: int :param k: activation_function :type k: Instance of an activation function """ self.k = k self.axis = axis self.activation_function = activation_function self._temp_derivative = None
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Calculates the K-max function value for a given input x. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Value of the Kmax function for x. :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ act = self.activation_function.f(numx.atleast_2d(x)) winner = None if self.axis == 0: winner = numx.float64(act >= numx.atleast_2d(numx.sort(act, axis=self.axis)[-self.k, :])) else: winner = numx.float64(act.T >= numx.atleast_2d(numx.sort(act, axis=self.axis)[:, -self.k])).T self._temp_derivative = winner * self.activation_function.df(x) return act * winner
[docs] def df(self, x): """ Calculates the derivative of the KWTA function. :param x: Input data. :type x: scalar or numpy array :return: Derivative of the KWTA function :rtype: scalar or numpy array with the same shape as x. """ return self._temp_derivative