Source code for pydeep.base.corruptor

""" This module provides implementations for corrupting the training data. 

        - Identity
        - Sampling Binary
        - BinaryNoise
        - Additive Gauss Noise
        - Multiplicative Gauss Noise
        - Dropout
        - Random Permutation
        - KeepKWinner
        - KWinnerTakesAll



        Jan Melchior



        Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Melchior

        This file is part of the Python library PyDeep.

        PyDeep is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
        (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as numx

[docs]class Identity(object): """ Dummy corruptor object. """
[docs] @classmethod def corrupt(cls, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ return data
[docs]class AdditiveGaussNoise(object): """ An object that corrupts data by adding Gauss noise. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mean, std): """ The function corrupts the data. :param mean: Constant the data is shifted :type mean: float :param std: Standard deviation Added to the data. :type std: float """ self.mean = mean self.std = std
[docs] def corrupt(self, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ return data + self.mean + numx.random.standard_normal(data.shape) * self.std
[docs]class MultiGaussNoise(object): """ An object that corrupts data by multiplying Gauss noise. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mean, std): """ Corruptor contructor. :param mean: Constant the data is shifted :type mean: float :param std: Standard deviation Added to the data. :type std: float """ self.mean = mean self.std = std
[docs] def corrupt(self, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ return data * (self.mean + numx.random.standard_normal(data.shape) * self.std)
[docs]class SamplingBinary(object): """ Sample binary states (zero out) corruption. """
[docs] @classmethod def corrupt(cls, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ return data > numx.random.random(data.shape)
class BinaryNoise(object): """ Binary Noise. """ def __init__(self, percentage): """ Corruptor contructor. :param percentage: Percent of random chosen pixel/states. :type percentage: float [0,1] :param std: Standard deviation Added to the data. """ self.percentage = percentage def corrupt(self, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ return numx.abs(data - numx.random.binomial(1, self.percentage, data.shape))
[docs]class Dropout(object): """ Dropout (zero out) corruption. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dropout_percentage=0.2): """ Corruptor contructor. :param dropout_percentage: Dropout percentage :type dropout_percentage: float """ self.dropout_percentage = dropout_percentage
[docs] def corrupt(self, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ return data * numx.random.binomial(1, 1.0 - self.dropout_percentage, data.shape) / ( 1.0 - self.dropout_percentage)
[docs]class RandomPermutation(object): """ RandomPermutation corruption, a fix number of units change their activation values. """
[docs] def __init__(self, permutation_percentage=0.2): """ Corruptor contructor. :param permutation_percentage: permutation_percentage: Percentage of states to permute :type permutation_percentage: float """ self.permutation_percentage = permutation_percentage
[docs] def corrupt(self, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ result = numx.copy(data) num_switches = numx.int32(data.shape[1] * self.permutation_percentage * 0.5) for d in range(data.shape[0]): # Proof of concept # setA = numx.random.randint(0, pattern.shape[1], num_states_to_change / 2) # setB = numx.random.randint(0, pattern.shape[1], num_states_to_change / 2) # result[d][setA] = pattern[d][setB] # result[d][setB] = pattern[d][setA] tempset = numx.random.permutation(numx.arange(data.shape[1])) result[d][tempset[0:num_switches]] = data[d][tempset[num_switches:2 * num_switches]] result[d][tempset[num_switches:2 * num_switches]] = data[d][tempset[0:num_switches]] return result
[docs]class KeepKWinner(object): """ Implements K Winner stay. Keep the k max values and set the rest to 0. """
[docs] def __init__(self, k=10, axis=0): """ Corruptor contructor. :param k: Keep the k max values and set the rest to 0. :type k: int :param axis: Axis =0 across min batch, axis = 1 across hidden units :type axis: int """ self.k = k self.axis = axis
[docs] def corrupt(self, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ data = data if self.axis == 0: return data * (data >= numx.atleast_2d(numx.sort(data, axis=self.axis)[-self.k, :])) else: return data * (data >= numx.atleast_2d(numx.sort(data, axis=self.axis)[:, -self.k]).T)
[docs]class KWinnerTakesAll(object): """ Implements K Winner takes all. Keep the k max values and set the rest to 0. """
[docs] def __init__(self, k=10, axis=0): """ Corruptor constructor. :param k: Keep the k max values and set the rest to 0. :type k: int :param axis: Axis =0 across min batch, axis = 1 across hidden units :type axis: int """ self.k = k self.axis = axis
[docs] def corrupt(self, data): """ The function corrupts the data. :param data: Input of the layer. :type data: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] :return: Corrupted data. :rtype: numpy array [num samples, layer dim] """ data = data if self.axis == 0: return 1.0 * (data >= numx.atleast_2d(numx.sort(data, axis=self.axis)[-self.k, :])) else: return 1.0 * (data >= numx.atleast_2d(numx.sort(data, axis=self.axis)[:, -self.k]).T)