Source code for pydeep.base.numpyextension

''' This module provides different math functions that extend the numpy library.

        - log_sum_exp
        - log_diff_exp
        - get_norms
        - multinominal_batch_sampling
        - restrict_norms
        - resize_norms
        - angle_between_vectors
        - get_2D_gauss_kernel
        - generate_binary_code
        - get_binary_label
        - compare_index_of_max
        - shuffle_dataset
        - rotationSequence
        - generate_2D_connection_matrix



        Jan Melchior



        Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Melchior

        This file is part of the Python library PyDeep.

        PyDeep is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
        (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as numx
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate

def log_sum_exp(x, axis=0):
    """ Calculates the logarithm of the sum of e to the power of input 'x'. The method tries to avoid \
        overflows by using the relationship: log(sum(exp(x))) = alpha + log(sum(exp(x-alpha))).

    :param x: data.
    :type x: float or numpy array

    :param axis: Sums along the given axis.
    :type axis: int

    :return: Logarithm of the sum of exp of x.
    :rtype: float or numpy array.
    alpha = x.max(axis) - numx.log(numx.finfo(numx.float64).max) / 2.0
    if axis == 1:
        return numx.squeeze(alpha + numx.log(numx.sum(numx.exp(x.T - alpha), axis=0)))
        return numx.squeeze(alpha + numx.log(numx.sum(numx.exp(x - alpha), axis=0)))

def log_diff_exp(x, axis=0):
    """ Calculates the logarithm of the diffs of e to the power of input 'x'. The method tries to avoid \
        overflows by using the relationship: log(diff(exp(x))) = alpha + log(diff(exp(x-alpha))).

    :param x: data.
    :type x: float or numpy array

    :param axis: Diffs along the given axis.
    :type axis: int

    :return: Logarithm of the diff of exp of x.
    :rtype: float or numpy array.
    alpha = x.max(axis) - numx.log(numx.finfo(numx.float64).max) / 2.0
    if axis == 1:
        return numx.squeeze(alpha + numx.log(numx.diff(numx.exp(x.T - alpha), n=1, axis=0)))
        return numx.squeeze(alpha + numx.log(numx.diff(numx.exp(x - alpha), n=1, axis=0)))

def multinominal_batch_sampling(probabilties, isnormalized=True):
    """ Sample states where only one entry is one and the rest is zero according to the given probablities.

    :param probabilties: Matrix containing probabilities the rows have to sum to one, otherwise chosen normalized=False.
    :type probabilties: numpy array [batchsize, number of states]

    :param isnormalized: If True the probabilities are assumed to be normalized. If False the probabilities are \
    :type isnormalized: bool

    :return: Sampled multinominal states.
    :rtype: numpy array [batchsize, number of states]
    probs = numx.float64(probabilties)
    if not isnormalized:
        probs = probs / numx.sum(probs, axis=1).reshape(probs.shape[0], 1)
    mini = probs.cumsum(axis=1)
    maxi = mini - probs
    sample = numx.random.random((probs.shape[0], 1))
    return (mini > sample) * (sample >= maxi)

def get_norms(matrix, axis=0):
    """ Computes the norms of the matrix along a given axis.

    :param matrix: Matrix to get the norm of.
    :type matrix: numpy array [num rows, num columns]

    :param axis: Axis along the norm should be calculated. 0 = rows, 1 = cols, None = Matrix norm
    :type axis: int, None

    :return: Norms along the given axis.
    :rtype: numpy array or float
    return numx.sqrt(numx.sum(matrix * matrix, axis=axis))

def restrict_norms(matrix, max_norm, axis=0):
    """ This function restricts a matrix, its columns or rows to a given norm.

    :param matrix: Matrix that should be restricted.
    :type matrix: numpy array [num rows, num columns]

    :param max_norm: The maximal data norm.
    :type max_norm: float

    :param axis: Restriction of the matrix along the given axis or the full matrix.
    :type axis: int, None

    :return: Restricted matrix
    :rtype: numpy array [num rows, num columns]
    res = numx.double(matrix)
    if axis is None:
        norm = numx.sqrt(numx.sum(res * res))
        if norm > max_norm:
            res *= max_norm / norm

        # If no value is bigger than max_norm/SQRT(N) then the norm is smaller
        # as the threshold!
        if numx.max(res) > max_norm / numx.sqrt(res.shape[numx.abs(1 - axis)]):
            # Calculate norms
            norms = get_norms(res, axis=axis)
            # Restrict the vectors
            for r in range(norms.shape[0]):
                if norms[r] > max_norm:
                    if axis == 0:
                        res[:, r] *= max_norm / norms[r]
                        res[r, :] *= max_norm / norms[r]
    return res

def resize_norms(matrix, norm, axis=0):
    """ This function resizes a matrix, its columns or rows to a given norm.

    :param matrix: Matrix that should be resized.
    :type matrix: numpy array [num rows, num columns]

    :param norm: The norm to restrict the matrix to.
    :type norm: float

    :param axis: Resize of the matrix along the given axis.
    :type axis: int, None

    :return: Resized matrix, however it is inplace
    :rtype: numpy array [num rows, num columns]
    res = numx.double(matrix)
    if axis is None:
        norm_temp = numx.sqrt(numx.sum(res * res))
        res *= norm / norm_temp

        # Calculate norms
        norms = get_norms(res, axis=axis)
        # Restrict the vectors
        for r in range(norms.shape[0]):
            if axis == 0:
                res[:, r] *= norm / norms[r]
                res[r, :] *= norm / norms[r]
    return res

def angle_between_vectors(v1, v2, degree=True):
    """ Computes the angle between two vectors.

    :param v1: Vector 1.
    :type v1: numpy array

    :param v2: Vector 2.
    :type v2: numpy array

    :param degree: If true degrees is return, rad otherwise.
    :type degree: bool

    :return: Angle
    :rtype: float
    v1 = numx.atleast_2d(v1)
    v2 = numx.atleast_2d(v2)
    c =, v2.T) / (get_norms(v1, axis=1) * get_norms(v2, axis=1))
    c = numx.arccos(numx.clip(c, -1, 1))
    if degree:
        c = numx.degrees(c)
    return c

def get_2d_gauss_kernel(width, height, shift=0, var=[1.0, 1.0]):
    """ Creates a 2D Gauss kernel of size NxM with variance 1.

    :param width: Number of pixels first dimension.
    :type width: int

    :param height: Number of pixels second dimension.
    :type height: int

    :param shift: | The Gaussian is shifted by this amount from the center of the image.
                  | Passing a scalar -> x,y shifted by the same value
                  | Passing a vector -> x,y shifted accordingly
    :type shift: int, 1D numpy array

    :param var: | Variances or Covariance matrix.
                | Passing a scalar -> Isotropic Gaussian
                | Passing a vector -> Spherical covariance with vector values on the diagonals.
                | Passing a matrix -> Full Gaussian
    :type var: int, 1D numpy array or 2D numpy array

    :return: Bit array containing the states.
    :rtype: numpy array [num samples, bit_length]

    def gauss(xy, mean, covariance):
        return 1.0 / (2.0 * numx.pi * numx.sqrt(numx.linalg.det(covariance))) * numx.exp(-0.5 *
   - mean).T, numx.linalg.inv(covariance)), xy - mean))

    if numx.isscalar(shift):
        m = numx.array([shift, shift])
        m = shift

    if numx.isscalar(var):
        covar = numx.array([[var, 0], [0, var]])
        if len(var.shape) == 1:
            covar = numx.array([[var[0], 0], [0, var[1]]])
            covar = var

    if width % 2 == 0:
        print("N needs to be odd!")
    if height % 2 == 0:
        print("M needs to be odd!")
    lowern = (width - 1) / 2
    lowerm = (height - 1) / 2
    mat = numx.zeros((width, height))
    for x in range(0, width):
        for y in range(0, height):
            mat[x, y] = gauss(numx.array([x - lowern, y - lowerm]), mean=m, covariance=covar)
    return mat

def generate_binary_code(bit_length, batch_size_exp=None, batch_number=0):
    """ This function can be used to generate all possible binary vectors of length 'bit_length'. It is possible to \
        generate only a particular batch of the data, where 'batch_size_exp' controls the size of the batch \
        (batch_size = 2**batch_size_exp) and 'batch_number' is the index of the batch that should be generated.

        :Example: | bit_length = 2, batchSize = 2
                  | -> All combination = 2^bit_length = 2^2 = 4
                  | -> All_combinations / batchSize = 4 / 2 = 2 batches
                  | -> _generate_bit_array(2, 2, 0) = [0,0],[0,1]
                  | -> _generate_bit_array(2, 2, 1) = [1,0],[1,1]

    :param bit_length: Length of the bit vectors.
    :type bit_length: int

    :param batch_size_exp: Size of the batch of data. Here: batch_size = 2**batch_size_exp
    :type batch_size_exp: int

    :param batch_number: Index of the batch.
    :type batch_number: int

    :return: Bit array containing the states  .
    :rtype: numpy array [num samples, bit_length]
    # No batch size is given, all data is returned
    if batch_size_exp is None:
        batch_size_exp = bit_length
    batch_size = 2 ** batch_size_exp
    # Generate batch
    bit_combinations = numx.zeros((batch_size, bit_length))
    for number in range(batch_size):
        dividend = number + batch_number * batch_size
        bit_index = 0
        while dividend != 0:
            bit_combinations[number, bit_index] = numx.remainder(dividend, 2)
            dividend = numx.floor_divide(dividend, 2)
            bit_index += 1
    return bit_combinations

def get_binary_label(int_array):
    """ This function converts a 1D-array with integers labels into a 2D-array containing binary labels.

        :Example: | -> [3,1,0]|
                  | -> [[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]

    :param int_array: 1D array containing integers
    :type int_array: int

    :return: 2D array with binary labels.
    :rtype: numpy array [num samples, num labels]
    max_label = numx.max(int_array) + 1
    result = numx.zeros((int_array.shape[0], max_label))
    for i in range(int_array.shape[0]):
        result[i, int_array[i]] = 1
    return result

def compare_index_of_max(output, target):
    """ Compares data rows by comparing the index of the maximal value e.g. Classifier output and true labels.

        :Example: | [0.3,0.5,0.2],[0.2,0.6,0.2] -> 0
                  | [0.3,0.5,0.2],[0.6,0.2,0.2] -> 1

    :param output: vectors usually containing label probabilties.
    :type output: numpy array [batchsize, output_dim]

    :param target: vectors usually containing true labels.
    :type target: numpy array [batchsize, output_dim]

    :return: Int array containging 0 is the two rows hat the maximum at the same index, 1 otherwise.
    :rtype: numpy array [num samples, num labels]
    return numx.int32(numx.argmax(output, axis=1) != numx.argmax(target, axis=1))

def shuffle_dataset(data, label):
    """ Shuffles the data points and the labels correspondingly.

    :param data: Datapoints.
    :type data: numpy array [num_datapoints, dim_datapoints]

    :param label: Labels.
    :type label: numpy array [num_datapoints]

    :return: Shuffled datapoints and labels.
    :rtype: List of numpy arrays
    index = numx.random.permutation(numx.arange(data.shape[0]))
    return data[index], label[index]

def rotation_sequence(image, width, height, steps):
    """ Rotates a 2D image given as a 1D vector with shape[width*height] in 'steps' number of steps.

    :param image: Image as 1D vector.
    :type image: int

    :param width: Width of the image such that image.shape[0] = width*height.
    :type width: int

    :param height: Height of the image such that image.shape[0] = width*height.
    :type height: int

    :param steps: Number of rotation steps e.g. 360 each steps is 1 degree.
    :type steps: int

    :return: Bool array containging True is the two rows hat the maximum at the same index, False otherwise.
    :rtype: numpy array [num samples, num labels]
    results = numx.zeros((steps, image.shape[0]))
    results[0] = image
    for i in range(1, steps):
        angle = i * 360.0 / steps
        sample = rotate(image.reshape(width, height), angle)
        sample = sample[(sample.shape[0] - width) // 2:
                        (sample.shape[0] + width) // 2,
                        (sample.shape[0] - height) // 2:
                        (sample.shape[0] + height) // 2]

        results[i] = sample.reshape(1, image.shape[0])
    return results

def generate_2d_connection_matrix(input_x_dim,
    """ This function constructs a connection matrix, which can be used to force the weights to have local receptive \

        :Example:   | input_x_dim = 3,
                    | input_y_dim = 3,
                    | field_x_dim = 2,
                    | field_y_dim = 2,
                    | overlap_x_dim = 1,
                    | overlap_y_dim = 1,
                    | wrap_around=False)
                    | leads to numx.array([[1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0],
                    |                     [0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0],
                    |                     [0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0],
                    |                     [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1]]).T

    :param input_x_dim: Input dimension.
    :type input_x_dim: int

    :param input_y_dim: Output dimension.
    :type input_y_dim: int

    :param field_x_dim: Size of the receptive field in dimension x.
    :type field_x_dim: int

    :param field_y_dim: Size of the receptive field in dimension y.
    :type field_y_dim: int

    :param overlap_x_dim: Overlap of the receptive fields in dimension x.
    :type overlap_x_dim: int

    :param overlap_y_dim: Overlap of the receptive fields in dimension y.
    :type overlap_y_dim: int

    :param wrap_around: If true teh overlap has warp around in both dimensions.
    :type wrap_around: bool

    :return: Connection matrix.
    :rtype: numpy arrays [input dim, output dim]
    if field_x_dim > input_x_dim:
        raise NotImplementedError("field_x_dim > input_x_dim is invalid!")
    if field_y_dim > input_y_dim:
        raise NotImplementedError("field_y_dim > input_y_dim is invalid!")
    if overlap_x_dim >= field_x_dim:
        raise NotImplementedError("overlap_x_dim >= field_x_dim is invalid!")
    if overlap_y_dim >= field_y_dim:
        raise NotImplementedError("overlap_y_dim >= field_y_dim is invalid!")

    matrix = None
    start_x = 0
    start_y = 0
    end_x = input_x_dim
    end_y = input_y_dim
    if wrap_around is False:
        end_x -= field_x_dim - 1
        end_y -= field_y_dim - 1
    step_x = field_x_dim - overlap_x_dim
    step_y = field_y_dim - overlap_y_dim

    for x in range(start_x, end_x, step_x):
        for y in range(start_y, end_y, step_y):
            column = numx.zeros((input_x_dim, input_y_dim))
            for i in range(x, x + field_x_dim, 1):
                for j in range(y, y + field_y_dim, 1):
                    column[i % input_x_dim, j % input_y_dim] = 1.0
            column = column.reshape((input_x_dim * input_y_dim))
            if matrix is None:
                matrix = column
                matrix = numx.vstack((matrix, column))
    return matrix.T