Source code for pydeep.misc.toyproblems

""" This class contains some example toy problems for RBMs.

        - Bars and Stripes dataset
        - Shifting bars dataset
        - 2D mixture of Laplacians



        Jan Melchior



        Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Melchior

        This file is part of the Python library PyDeep.

        PyDeep is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
        (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as numx
import pydeep.base.numpyextension as npext

def generate_2d_mixtures(num_samples, mean=0.0, scale=numx.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0):
    """ Creates a dataset containing 2D data points from a random mixtures of two independent Laplacian distributions.

    :Info: Every sample is a 2-dimensional mixture of two sources. The sources can either be super_gauss or sub_gauss.
    If x is one sample generated by mixing s, i.e. x = A*s, then the mixing_matrix is A.

    :param num_samples: The number of training samples.
    :type num_samples: int

    :param mean: The mean of the two independent sources.
    :type mean: float

    :param scale: The scale of the two independent sources.
    :type scale: float

    :return: Data and mixing matrix.
    :rtype: list of numpy arrays ([num samples, 2], [2,2])
    source = numx.concatenate((numx.random.laplace(mean, scale,
                                                   num_samples), numx.random.laplace(mean, scale, num_samples))
                              ).reshape(num_samples, 2, order='F')
    mixing_matrix = numx.random.rand(2, 2) - 0.5
    mixture =, mixing_matrix.T)
    return mixture, mixing_matrix

def generate_bars_and_stripes(length, num_samples):
    """ Creates a dataset containing samples showing bars or stripes.

    :param length: Length of the bars/stripes.
    :type length: int

    :param num_samples: Number of samples
    :type num_samples: int

    :return: Samples.
    :rtype: numpy array [num_samples, length*length]
    data = numx.zeros((num_samples, length * length))
    for i in range(num_samples):
        values =, high=2,
                                              size=(length, 1)),
                          numx.ones((1, length)))
        if numx.random.random() > 0.5:
            values = values.T
        data[i, :] = values.reshape(length * length)
    return data

def generate_bars_and_stripes_complete(length):
    """ Creates a dataset containing all possible samples showing bars or stripes.

    :param length: Length of the bars/stripes.
    :type length: int

    :return: Samples.
    :rtype: numpy array [num_samples, length*length]
    stripes = npext.generate_binary_code(length)
    stripes = numx.repeat(stripes, length, 0)
    stripes = stripes.reshape(2 ** length, length * length)

    bars = npext.generate_binary_code(length)
    bars = bars.reshape(2 ** length * length, 1)
    bars = numx.repeat(bars, length, 1)
    bars = bars.reshape(2 ** length, length * length)
    return numx.vstack((stripes[0:stripes.shape[0]-1],bars[1:bars.shape[0]]))
    # return numx.vstack((stripes, bars)) # Tests have to match if changed to this.

def generate_shifting_bars(length,
    """ Creates a dataset containing random positions of a bar of length "bar_length" in a strip of "length" dimensions.

    :param length: Number of dimensions
    :type length: int

    :param bar_length: Length of the bar
    :type bar_length: int

    :param num_samples: Number of samples to generate
    :type num_samples: int

    :param random: If true dataset gets shuffled
    :type random: bool

    :param flipped: If true dataset gets flipped 0-->1 and 1-->0
    :type flipped: bool

    :return: Samples of the shifting bars dataset.
    :rtype: numpy array [samples, dimensions]
    data = numx.zeros((num_samples, length))
    for i in range(0, num_samples):
        index = numx.random.randint(0, length)
        for b in range(0, bar_length):
            data[i][(index + b) % length] = 1.0
    if random:
    if flipped:
        data = (data + 1) % 2
    return data

def generate_shifting_bars_complete(length,
    """ Creates a dataset containing all possible positions of a bar of length "bar_length" can take in a strip of \
        "length" dimensions.

    :param length: Number of dimensions
    :type length: int

    :param bar_length: Length of the bar
    :type bar_length: int

    :param random: If true dataset gets shuffled
    :type random: bool

    :param flipped: If true dataset gets flipped 0-->1 and 1-->0
    :type flipped: bool

    :return: Complete shifting bars dataset.
    :rtype: numpy array [samples, dimensions]
    data = numx.zeros((length, length))
    for i in range(0, length):
        for b in range(0, bar_length):
            data[i][(i + b) % length] = 1
    if random:
    if flipped:
        data = (data + 1) % 2
    return data